Hello Friends,
Here is one of the tutorials regarding wordpress themes. Most of us WP bloggers may see number of themes over here and there on web and want to use the same for our blogs too. So here is one of the way to use the theme for our own blog using the file up-loader in cpanel.
First of all, just download the theme of your choice and then unzip those files. Then check for the folder structure and create the exact folder structure in the wp-contents/themes folder in your cpanel.
Then create all the required folders in the folder “say Magazine”, this is the name of the theme that will appear in the wordpress dashboard. The folder structure must contain folders exactly same as that of the existing downloaded files. It may look something like.
Now, upload the files just according the folders for example, upload all the images in images folder and all js files in js folder just as that in original folder.
Once you upload all the files the folder may look like~
Here, at this stage your theme is successfully uploaded in your dashboard, just check it out in the available themes :~
Similarly you can add number of themes of your choice. Yet this is not the only way to upload the files in wordpress, but its one of the simple methods to do so. Hope this will help you.
Things are looking awesome – great job!
Dude, that’s so cool! I’ll be back for your new articles!