Jsp include file

Hello Friends,

This is one of the simple tutorials on jsp include file. Most of the time in any of the web application we need some part of the application on almost each of the pages. So, writing the code in each of the pages is really tedious and is not the best practice. For example, if we have a web application where we have to use the Header code and Footer code on every page then its the best practice to write the code once in a separate file and then import that file or its contents into the page where we want it to be displayed.

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Login Example: JSP and Servlets: Part II.

Hello Friends,

This is part II of jspĀ and servlets login example. Check Part I here.

Step 4) Now, we need to create a Servlet file for the redirection of the jsp pages. In the src folder under the package code2java, add the Servlet file and name it as LoginServlet. As discussed earlier this servlet file will get the user details from the Bean file and then it will create a Session for that user only if the user is a valid user. And accordingly it will redirect to the respective jsp pages. You can use the default code which Eclipse generates while Servlet creation, the only change you need to do is in doGet() method. Continue reading “Login Example: JSP and Servlets: Part II.”

Login Example – JSP and Servlets: Part I.

Hello Friends,

This is one of the tutorials on JSP and Servlets. In this we will discuss and create a simple login application using servlets and JSP where we will connect to the DB for the user credentials and then authenticate the users accordingly. First of all we will discuss about what we will need for this.

JSP Pages:

We will create three JSP pages which will be the only viewable parts of our code. The three pages will be as Login Page, Login Success page and the Invalid Login page. Continue reading “Login Example – JSP and Servlets: Part I.”