Slideshow effect on Confluence Wiki Page/Blog.

Hello Friends,

This is one of my tutorial related to confluence. One who use confluence and have their space over there, they must be familiar with the blog posts. The blog posts are used to create the blogs and add the information of our choice to keep it safe for our further reference.

As you know that Confluence uses wiki language for editing or scripting. Using this wiki language you can add data to your confluence pages and blogs. Confluence itself does not provide the animation for the images we place in the blogs. But it does not restrict us to create our own animation using jQuery and HTML.

As we can use the html tags inside wiki, we have to create animation for ourself. In this tutorial we will create the simple slideshow type animation using wiki and html tags. In this we will try to move the images one after the other.

Here we will use simple marquee tag of html. Following is the code for this, you just have to edit the blog or page in confluence and paste it into the wiki code.

As shown, the html code is included within the wiki code.

Make sure that there is no space between the images you add in the wiki that needs to be shown in the slideshow, e.g !imgname1.jpg!!imgname2.jpg!

Just have a try at this. Even there are other methods of doing this, using jQuery plugin is one of them, this is one of the simplest one, i guess.

Hope this will help you.

