Hello Friends,
This is one of my tutorials regarding the HTTP Apache server. Most of you may have faced the problem such as make_sock : could not bind to address while installing HTTP Apache Server.
This is just because of unavailability of 8080 port. This unavailability may be due to some other application or server might be using that port. But this can be resolved by allocating another port for the Apache server. For doing this, you need to make the changes in httpd.conf file located at “..Apache Software FoundationApache2.2conf” or you can directly open it from the “Start Menu–All Programs–Apache Server–Configure Apache Server–Edit httpd.conf file”.
Open the file in notepad and search for “80″ and try to change it to “81″ then save the file and start the server again this will start the Apache Server.
If still this error occurs that means port 81 is also used by another server, just try adding 1 in the port number and one will definitely work for you.
Hope this will help. 🙂
Good Article nikhil. It will surely help the newbie to install and troubleshoot the apache if port is not free.
Jitendra Zaa